Like many industries, aerospace and defense will go through a major transformation in the next five to 10 years.
Navigating the changes won’t be easy. Some companies may decide to leave the market altogether. But others — particularly those able to identify important trends and act on them — will discover major opportunities.
What’s clear is that traditional aerospace and defense contractors will face increased competition for fewer contracts. Technology startups are rapidly moving into their turf. Though some have been bought up by the big players, more significant changes lie ahead.
Low Angle View Of Fighter Planes Flying In Formation During Blue Angels
Here are some of the key trends you should be watching:
  1. New markets and competitors.Many manufacturers and suppliers are shifting toward Asia, so executives need to start rethinking their business models to take advantage of this trend.
  2. Volatile oil prices.Low oil prices may allow some airlines to delay replacing aircraft with more fuel-efficient models. But those carriers that reinvest profits in new equipment will be in a stronger position once oil prices rebound.
  3. Aging infrastructure.Demand for air transportation is clearly growing in emerging markets like China and India. But growth may be limited by outdated airport facilities and a lack of available airspace. Governments will need to address these shortfalls to realize the full potential for air traffic growth between now and 2030.
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